Young people may not wish to think about their retirement plans just yet, but Jeffrey Small Arbor financial expert and advisor thinks that the younger people start making the plans, the better off that they will be. This is perfectly understandable of course but we are beginning to see more younger people engage with financial planning in this way. If you are below the age of 40 and you are yet to start your plans, here is exactly why you could be making a mistake in dragging your heels with regards to your plans for the future.
Living Longer
People are living longer than ever before and when they do reach retirement age, they are in much better health than so many generations have been before at a similar age. This means that you will still have plenty of life left to enjoy and live, which will be made far easier if you have a smart pension or retirement plan in place.
Early Retirement
It may very well be that you just don’t want to work until you are 60 years old or more and that you would much prefer to finish working earlier and then live a fruitful latter half of your life. If this is the case then you had better getting planning now, so that you are going to be able to achieve all that you want in this regard. The sooner that you get that retirement cash together, the sooner that you will be able to retire.
Banking the Money
One very simple reason as to why you should be looking at your retirement plan is that the earlier you get started, the more money you are going to be able to put in the pot. It is important to consider that even if your home is paid off and even if you have put yourself in a position to be financially secure in your older years, life is still going to be costly and you will need to ensure that you have the cash to live a good life.
Potential Care
If you get to a very ripe age and then find yourself in need of some care, this too is going to come at quite a cost. It is important therefore that you have spent your life, putting yourself in a position whereby you can afford to live in a care home should the time ever come. This again is about protecting yourself and your future interests, and making sure that you don’t need to rely on anyone for anything. This may sound like something which you aren’t too interested in thinking about just now, but we see this happen so often with the older generation and it makes no sense for you to ignore it and think that it may not happen to you, because it easily could.
Speak with a financial advisor and get yourself some words of wisdom regarding your retirement and your future.