Whether you are new to the sex industry or not, there might be things about it that you may be curious about. We have listed various facts about the field that might capture your interest. Here are some of them.
Escorts earn good money
The rates of escorts vary from one agency or independent provider to another. There are cheap London escorts that you can find that still ensure that you are satisfied with their service. Nevertheless, their earnings are not bad, and it is more than enough for them to maintain the lifestyle that they have. The average salary of an escort in the UK is £19,399.
When hiring from an agency, you will find the rate on their site and negotiation is not accepted. Although you have the option to do so, it will not impress the escorts, and that may leave a bad impression on them. Price negotiation may be more acceptable for prostitutes that you pick up on the street.
The average age of girls working in the sex industry
The age of girls working in the sex field varies. However, according to a survey made in 2004, the average age of entry to the sex industry in the UK is 21. The average age of girls offering their services is 28.
Legality of prostitution
Prostitution is legal in some places, although there may still be specific rules that apply. For instance, while it is legal in London, service providers must be 18 years old at least. So, be mindful of the regulations in the place where you are planning to hire an escort, to avoid problems with the authorities.
The average number of sex workers
There are about 72,800 sex service providers in the UK, and around 32,000 of them can be found in London. If you are visiting the place, you have a wide range of alternatives to choose from if you wish to hire their services. While hiring a prostitute on the street is generally cheaper, another option is to hire an escort through an agency. You may pay a little bit more, but you can be sure that the girls underwent screening, and that they are professional and discreet. As long as you deal with a reputable agency, you will get your money’s worth.
The average client of sex workers
You might be wondering how many clients sex workers have on average, right? On average, they have about 25 clients per week. In one article posted online, a sex worker revealed that she could have seven to nine customers within only six hours during a busy Friday or Saturday night. She said that each booking only lasts for 30 minutes on these occasions.
The average number of men that pay for sex
In the UK alone, 11% of men between the age of 16 to 74 have hired a sex worker at least once. This percentage equals 2.3 million men. With this statistic, it is more common than you may think.
If you are planning to pay for sex, always be careful to ensure that you are dealing with someone who will not only give you pleasure but who is safe too.
Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/whisper-secret-mystery-stealth-408482/