There are many reasons that people may want to buy aged Facebook accounts. For starters, there are people who are tired of seeing all of the young kids on their news feeds who have nothing better to do than send and receive “likes”. This includes people who post inflammatory messages about race or religion. For these people, it is easier to just buy an old account and erase the profile history and settings. However, in doing so, they will be missing out on a great way to make new friends without having to endure the hassle of re-starting the process from scratch.
The first way to buy fb accounts is to visit an online service that allows individuals to buy and sell used information. For example, some websites allow individuals to search a listing for items that may be “aged” in an effort to drive up the value. If you find an item that meets this criteria, you may contact the seller and offer to buy the account. This will cost you a set amount of money for the account and then you will have the ability to use it on Facebook for free.
However, the downside to this method is that the seller may not have age-appropriate applications on his or her page. It is possible that the person could also have multiple accounts that are not properly aged.
A different way to buy aged Facebook accounts is to look for websites that allow people to buy and sell such accounts. For instance, there are services available online that allow you to search for people who have posted messages on a particular network that have since been deactivated. These are called “aged” accounts and you can often buy them for a lower price than they would be sold for elsewhere.
However, when you buy these accounts, you run the risk of having the information on these accounts stolen by hackers if they were ever sold. Because this process is more complicated and expensive, most individuals do not try to go this route.
Another option is to find websites that specialize in cleaning out these types of accounts for people. These companies will search through a person’s account and look for any violations. If there are any, they can get rid of the account for a small fee. While this is often a faster and easier option than waiting to buy Facebook accounts from other sources, you should exercise caution here as well. Many times these people are selling accounts that were used by their primary users and may not have an intention of letting them go.
The final option for how to buy aged Facebook accounts is to do a direct purchase. This is often the best option for someone who knows what they are doing and who is willing to invest a small amount of money into the process. In most cases, this requires the assistance of a computer technician. He or she will be able to help you get your own personal account up and running again.
The advantage of this option is that it allows you to have all of the features and data that you want on your old profile without worrying about paying a large sum of money to get it done. The disadvantage is that you will likely need to buy all of the upgrades and software to make it work with the new format.