Cannabidiol oil is obtained from the cannabis plant. Many people use Cannabidiol oil to get relief from anxiety, pain, sleep disorders, and depression. Menstrual cramps cause severe pain in the lower abdomen. Many women experience menstrual cramps just before and during periods. The over-the-counter medications might not be effective in treating the pain associated with cramps.
According to health experts, CBD oil can help you treat pain with cramps and provide relief. Here is some vital information on how cannabidiol oil helps with cramps.
Understanding the Menstrual Cycle and Cramping
The menstrual cycle is associated with several unpleasant symptoms and side-effects. Estrogen dominance during the menstrual cycle causes distress to millions of women and causes bloating and fatigue. The contraction of the uterus is the reason for cramping.
The CBD oil might not help with the prevention of contraction of the uterus. However, CBD reduces nausea and inflammation, improves digestive functions of the body that can help women deal with the pain associated with cramping. Here are a few ways in which Cannabidiol oil helps relieve symptoms during the menstrual cycle.
Reduce Tenderness
During the period, women experience tenderness in the chest, back, and stomach. A massage with a few drops of cannabidiol oil on the affected area can provide your relief from discomfort and irritation. The CBD moderates pain perception by regulating the body’s vanilloid receptor.
Reduce Inflammation
Studies have proved that CBD interacts with the brain’s neurotransmitter and helps reduce pain and inflammation. It impacts the brain’s endocannabinoid receptor activity which helps reduce inflammation.
Provide Relief From Digestive Problems.
Nausea, abdominal cramping, and lower back cramping are some common symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle. CBD latch with cannabinoid receptors and ease bloating and cramping. All you need to do is massage some Cannabidioloil on the affected area.
Should You Use Cannabidiol Oil During The Menstrual Cycle?
Several well-studied and well-established reports show CBD has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects across a wide range of chronic pain conditions. According to medical experts, women who take recommended Cannabidiol oil dose during the menstrual cycle report less severe pain symptoms after three months of consistent use of CBD.
Things to Consider When Buying Cannabidiol Oil
To get maximum benefits, you need to purchase genuine CBD products and stay away from fake products. It is always good to buy branded CBD products that ensure high quality and the right quantity. The hemp extract has a natural tendency to attract metals and toxins from the soil. Hence the extraction method used to get Cannabidiol oil determines the purity of the product.
How to TakeCannabidiol Oil?
You can start with a small dosage of cannabidiol oil and build up your dose to find the right amount of CBD to experience relief from chronic pain. Some brands suggest women apply cannabidiol oil to the tampons to get the CBD closer to the pain source. However, doctors strongly advise against this practice as it upset the acidity balance and bacteria in the vagina.
To sum up, menstrual cramps are pretty common in women. They are painful and uncomfortable. Though there are different ways to treat them, not all medications help in managing pain. CBD oil can be considered alternative therapy when other methods do not provide relief from pain and cramps during the menstrual cycle.